From little acorns, mighty oaks grow

Ofsted Reports
In September 2022, the school received a section 5 Ofsted inspection, which concluded that Palace Wood remains a GOOD school.
This is the result of hard work and dedication from the whole team at Palace Wood. There are so many highlights to this report that you really do need to read the whole thing in order to see all of our successes. However, here are a few of our favourite parts.
- Pupils enjoy school.
- Playtimes are joyful times, where pupils build strong relationships with one another. They enjoy the many games organised by adults and hoot with laughter during activities such as parachute games.
- As well as during play, teachers have high expectations during lesson times. There is a real sense of ambition for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
- Pupils form positive relationships with the staff.
- The curriculum is ambitious for all.
- Teachers have strong subject knowledge which helps them to deliver purposeful lessons.
- Pupils’ misconceptions are rare.
- The teaching of mathematics is strong.
- Pupils behave well in lessons.
- In the early years, children settle quickly into the well- established routines in place.
- In the early years, children settle quickly into the well- established routines in place.
- Provision for wider opportunities is strong.
- There is a culture of safeguarding that pervades the school.
You can read the full report here