From little acorns, mighty oaks grow

Special Educational Needs
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) at Palace Wood Primary School
We pride ourselves on welcoming all children to Palace Wood Primary School. Many children will require academic or emotional support during their time in education. Sometimes pupils need support for a short time in order to make progress, but for others their needs will be ongoing.
All teachers are teachers of children with Special Educational Needs but are supported by a SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) who oversees provision in school. In our school, Rebecca Tye is the SENCO. Miss Tye works Monday-Thursday and can be contacted via the school office or by emailing
We also have an SEN Governor who discusses SEN support within the school but not specific cases.
Special Educational Needs Register
The SEN Register is a list that is kept in school of children who may require support from various people. Children who require further support in school and from outside agencies are identified as SEN Support and children whose needs are very complex may have an EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan) which used to be known as a Statement of Special Educational Needs. Parents/carers are informed by letter if their child is added to or removed from the SEN Register. Children do not have to be on the SEN Register to receive support from the SENCO or FLO.
Outside Agencies
A variety of people visit school to offer support and advice with children. Schools meet termly at LIFT (Local Inclusion Forum Team) with outside agencies to discuss children who we have concerns about. Parental permission is always sought prior to these meetings. We also work with an Educational Psychologist from the Local Authority.
Family/Emotional Difficulties
Mrs Bryer is our Family Liaison Officer and is able to offer guidance and support. She has access to a wide variety of information and can often listen and then help to point you in the right direction. Mrs Bryer also works with children who need nurture support, and can be contacted via the school office (select option 2) or by email:
Emotional Wellbeing Practitioner
Emotional Well-being Practitioners (EWPs) aim to improve access to mental health support for children, young people and their families. Using evidence-based principles, they provide low intensity interventions for young people experiencing common emotional well-being difficulties such as, low mood, anxiety and behavioural difficulties. EWPs also provide one-to-one support, run groups and workshops in educational settings for children and young people as well as parents and school staff. Most importantly, they work together with Palace Wood to support children, young people and their families. EWPs also work with school staff to help improve well-being across the school as a whole.
Within primary schools such as Palace Wood, they will be offering 1:1 sessions with parents around supporting their child’s challenging behaviour or anxiety difficulties. If you feel you would benefit from 6-8 1:1 sessions of Guided Self Help for your child’s anxiety or challenging behaviour please get in contact with Miss Tye or Mrs Bryer. The EWP at Palace Wood is Lauren Croucher.
There are a wide range of resources available for children with difficulties. These include: pencil grips, wedges, cushions, weighted mats, sensory tools, ICT programmes. This list is not exhaustive and when specific equipment is recommended children will also have access to this.
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the school.
Kent SEND Local Offer
Every local authority must publish a Local Offer. The SEND Local Offer tells you what support is available for children and young people with special educational needs (SEN) and/or disabilities, and their families.
The SEND Local Offer is for:
• children and young people with SEN and/or disabilities from birth to 25
• their parents and carers
• practitioners and professionals.
You can find the SEND Local Offer for Kent County Council (KCC) at
Kent SEND Local Offer SEND information hub - Kent County Council
Useful Links
Mainstream Core Standards (Parent Guide) - Mainstream Core Standards (
Mainstream Core Standards - Special Education Needs (
Autism Apprentice Kent - Autism Apprentice | The Autism Apprentice CIC
Afasic Speech and Language - Afasic – Voice for Life
ADHD Foundation - ADHD Foundation
Well-being and SEND Information Padlet -