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Palace Wood

Primary School

From little acorns, mighty oaks grow

Year 3

Terms 1-4 were fabulous. We all had so much we loved about them, and now we are so excited about all the great things we have planned for Term 5!



Class Teacher: Mrs Tristram

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Roberts


Class Teachers: Mrs Cormode

Teaching Assistants:  Mrs Larner


PE  and Forest School will be on Mondays for term 5. 

This term our focus is on Citizenship.                                                                                                           We have a local trip planned as well as The Living Land trip on the 2nd of May. In Project week we will be learning about flooding around the world.

Our history unit will be focused on the history of the Olympic Games . Within this topic we aim to include a number of geography skills too, as we will be looking at maps and atlases to locate Greece where the games began, Rome where the first paralympics took place, London and the locations used for the 2012 Olympics, and Paris where the summer games will be held this year. In  DT, we will be Greek themed sweet and savoury snacks.

In English, we are studying Nim's island by Wendy Orr. Nim lives on a beautiful island with her animal friends. The book explores her curiosity for the island, and compassion for her friends. She faces challenges along the way and must show courage. We can't wait to share it with your children.

Maths -This term we will be continuing our work on fractions. We will then be moving on to Money and later Time. Practising looking at and using money and analogue clocks at home with your child will make a huge difference in skills as we go through the next two terms.

Please don't forget to also practise times-tables at home .

Homework - 

Ensure you listen to your child read each night and then sign the reading record.

TTRS - Children can use the Times Tables Rockstars app to learn their times tables. Practising little and often will help the children with learning their tables.

Atom - We have a few questions each week to help the children recap their learning.

EdShed - Practising the spellings using games will improve spellings and word knowledge - we set this weekly.

Completing homework will help children in their learning and reinforce knowledge and memory.