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Palace Wood

Primary School

From little acorns, mighty oaks grow

Year 6

                                                                Welcome to Year 6           

Our classes :

  • Hippos -Mrs Rehman and Mrs Rose.
  • Rhinos -Mrs Kyte and Mrs Herath. 


Year 6 have PE Mondays and Tuesdays this term.

Your children should be accessing spellings through the Spelling Shed and times-tables using TTRockstars every night as well as reading.

We have introduced Atom learning and your children received their login at the end of the summer term. Please see your class teacher if you are having difficulties. 

Homework days :

  • TTRockstars - daily
  • Reading - daily (25mins)
  • Atom - (weekly) tasks set Fri and end the following Thursday night.
  • Spelling Shed - set weekly Fri -Thurs but to be completed daily.

Term 5 Citizenship

This term we will be reading 'Thornhill' by Pam Smy. Please see our Book Warmer below for further details.


Please refer to the Term 5 overview below for your child's learning throughout the curriculum.