From little acorns, mighty oaks grow

Year R
Welcome to EYFS! Our classes are Maple and Beech.
Maple Class Teachers: Mrs Edwards and Mrs Uttridge
Beech Class Teachers: Miss Gower and Mrs Finch
EYFS Teaching Assistants: Miss Holliday, Miss Gilks and Miss Baker
Term 3
Welcome to Term 3 in EYFS! We hope you are all well rested after the Christmas break.
Please continue to ensure your children come to school with suitable clothing for the cold weather, with plenty of layers. As always, please also ensure everything that is brought into school is clearly named, including shoes.
This term we will be continuing to support the children’s growing independence with tasks such as putting on their own coats, shoes and wellies, and doing up zips. Please encourage your child to “have a go” with these tasks at home too.
Our theme for this term is “Journeys”. Through this theme we will be learning about winter and the changes this season brings. Along with different types of past and present transport, maps and road safety. We will be putting this learning into action by going for a walk in our local area. We will end the term by learning all about space!
This term, we will be using a variety of texts to support our learning. These texts include “The Snowflake”, “The Everywhere Bear” and “Pirates Love Underpants”. We will also be reading winter poems. We will be learning how to write simple sentences.
In maths this term, we will continue to learn about the composition of numbers to 8. We will also be learning about mass and capacity.
This term we will continue in our phonics groups. If your child brings home a Read, Write Inc book, they will have practiced this book throughout the week at school. As it is a book that is familiar to them, they might be able to read it at home with increased fluency.
All children will continue to bring home a “sharing” book each week, for you to read with or to your child, as well as either a wordless book or a Read, Write Inc. phonics book for them to read to you. These will be changed on a Friday when reading records are also checked.
In EYFS this term, our PE day will be on a Tuesday. Please ensure children are dressed in their P.E. kits with any earrings removed.
Please see the Learning Overview below for more information about the Term 3 curriculum.